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Hand-dyed Vancouver Island Dorset pindrafted roving, per 100 gram braid

The Small Bird Workshop

Regular price $24.00

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Dorset sheep are some of the most common sheep in Canada, so it's a shame their wool doesn't get used more often. It's bouncy, lofty, and friendly - perhaps not ideal for those with sensitive skin, but like most Down breed-type sheep, its hand is crisp without being scratchy.

This wool will make excellent socks, but it will be truly excellent for cable work - all that loft means the cables will stand at attention! This undyed fibre is ecru/cream.

Please note that while most Down breed-type wool tends to resist felting, it's best to test with Dorset, as it can be one of the exceptions.

Sourced from a Vancouver Island flock located in Coombs, B.C.

Sold in 100 gram braids.

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